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Out of a Hat

At the previous dinner, each person wrote a secret ingredient on a slip of paper and put it in the hat. Then, each couple drew two ingredients. Nobody could reveal his/her choices. Next, the couples bargained for who would cook each course, without revealing the ingredients. The dishes and ingredients were revealed tonight. The chosen ingredients were goat cheese and egg (J&G), cilantro and egg (KC&K), pomegranate and pumpkin (A&R), chocolate and pistachio (A&W).

Smoked Salmon Crostini with Lemon Leek Goat Cheese . . . . . . . (J & G)

Spinach and Leek Crepe with Goat Cheese and Cilantro . . . . . . . (KC & K)

Stuffed Pumpkin with Pomegranates . . . . . . . (A & R)

Chocolate Pistachio Cake . . . . . . . (A & W)

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